Monday, March 9, 2009

Some good programming habits in PHP

Here i am discussing about some good programing habits in PHP. You can Apply All of these in any language. okie so here is the good programing language.

1. Use good naming.
2. Take smaller bites.
3. Document your code.
4. Handle error conditions.
5. Never, ever, copy and paste.

Here Detailed disscussion about

1.Use Good NamingUsing good naming is the most important habit because descriptive names make code easier to read and understand. The understandability of your code ultimately determines whether it can be maintained in the future. Even if the code you write contains no comments, if it's easy to understand, it will be much easier for you or someone else to change, if necessary. Your aim, when developing this practice, should be to use good naming to make your code read much like a book.

Bad habit: Ambiguous or meaningless names

2.Take smaller bites.It's easy to get focused on solving a problem and start coding away. While you're solving an immediate problem, you keep typing, letting your functions get longer and longer. That's not a problem over the long term, as long as you go back later and refactor the code into smaller bites.

Refactoring is a great idea, but you should develop the habit of writing shorter, more focused methods the first time. Shorter methods that can be viewed in one window are easier to understand. When a method is too long to be viewed all at once in a window, it decreases in understandability because you can't quickly follow its entire flow from beginning to end.

When building methods, you should also form the habit of constructing them so they do one thing and one thing only. There are several reasons for such diligent focus in your method writing. First, methods are more easily reused when they do one thing and do it well. Second, such methods are easier to test. Third, such methods are easier to understand and change — if necessary — the simpler they are.

3. Document your code.
Documenting your code well sometimes seems as difficult as writing it in the first place. Knowing what to document is tricky because it's tempting to document what the code is doing. Documenting the code's intention is a better idea. In the header blocks of functions that may not be obvious, tell the reader the expected inputs and outputs of the methods and the original intent.

Documenting what the code is doing is common, but unnecessary. If the code is so confusing that you have to document what it's doing, take that as a hint that you should rewrite the code to make it easier to understand. Develop the habit of using good naming and smaller methods and structures to make your code more readable without having to comment what it does.

4.Handle errorsIt's been said that when you're writing robust applications, error-handling code seems to follow the 80/20 rule: 80 percent of the code is dedicated to handling exceptions and validations, and 20 percent of the code does the actual work. It's natural when writing code to do happy-path coding. This means writing code that works well for the basic conditions, when all the data is valid and all the conditions are as expected. But such code can be fragile over the application's lifetime. At the other extreme, you may spend too much time writing code for conditions that may never be encountered.

This habit is about finding the balance between doing enough error handling and not doing so much gold plating that your code is never finished.

5.Never, ever copy and pasteThe ability to copy code from one place and paste it into your code editor is a double-edged sword. On one hand, it saves a lot of errors when you're retyping from an example or a template. On the other hand, it makes proliferation of similar code way too easy.

Be on your guard against copying and pasting code between parts of your application. When you find yourself doing it, stop and ask yourself how you could rewrite the section of code you're copying to be something that you can reuse. Putting code in one place allows you to more easily maintain your code, to a large degree, because changes need to be made in only one place.

Article come from IBM

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